Tuesday, August 18, 2009

all about zakura

Zakuro Fujiwara/Mew Zakuro

Henshin/transform: Purple, Mew Mew Zakuro
Animal: Grey wolf
Form: Mew Zakuro
Height, Weight: 171 centimetres, 49 kilogrames
Birthday: 6th September 14-15 years old :: Grade 9
Speciality: She can speak 6 languages: Chinese, French, Spainish, Japanese(duh), German, English
Food likes:: Watermelon, milk, cheese cake.
Dislikes: soyabeans
She is a famous celebrity, very cold at times, and she thinks a lot of herself a lot of the time. She is the oldest and is very natsy to other people at times (she tells one boy she would rather be alone than with him), she's rather snooty, but not as much in the anime, where she is much more of a loner than in the manga. At first she does not want to join the group, in the anime it takes a few episodes to persuade her. But after she is attacked at a TV set, she agrees to join. But she is still very cold. She first appears in episode 9 of the anime, and we see her in manga chapater 1, but she doesn't come into the lime light until chapter 8. There isn't really as much to say about Zakuro as some of the others, she tends to keep her personal feelings to herself: even though she is cold, she still has a nice side, as it was her who caused the girl in Chapter 1 who was bullying Retasu to go away, and when she is nice, or does give advice, most of the others are intimidated by her. Minto absolutely adores her, calling her "Onii-sama" And if Zakuro says something goes, then Minto immediately follows. Zakuro also tends to be mean, in order to be nice, even if the character at the time doesn't know it. In the anime she works in Cafe Mew Mew, but nobody recognises her because of her sharp attitude with people.

Attacks Weapons: She has a whip. (Zakuro Crosswhip) Attacks: Riboon Zakuro Supyua (Ribbon Zakuro Pure/Ribbon Zakuro Spear)

but really depp down she where nice

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